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Adventure Year Round!!!

Gentile Mountain Bike Ride at Rush Pond, Queensbury

  • April 22, 2024
  • 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM
  • West Mountain Road and Gurney Lane, Queensbury, NY 12804

Registration is closed

Join us for a Gentile Gravel Group Bike Ride

at Rush Pond in Queensbury
on Earth Day!

This is a free event, to provide an opportunity for fun and socializing. This a no-drop ride with plenty of stops!

Monday, April, 22, 2024

On your bike ready to ride by 4 PM

* Rain At Beginning of Ride Cancels *

We will meet at the parking area at corner Gurney Lane and West Mtn Road in Queensbury.  Here is google directions to parking lot : Rush Pond Parking

Here is the Trail Map.

Guests welcome.   You do not have to be a member of the club to join us.

What to expect: These are Disney-esque “mountain bike” trails. They are built by machine, on hard-pack soil, are well marked, and have “B” routes around the features. Rush Pond is one of the best places to be introduced to “mountain biking”. The trails are devoid of roots and rocks and mud. There are climbs that’ll make you huff and puff but with enough fun on the downhill to make it worthwhile.

What do you need: A bike. A helmet. A bike with hydraulic brakes and wide tires (2”+). Borrow one - or rent one from Rick’s Bikes in Queensbury. Gravel bikes are ridden at Rush Pond. An ordinary bike might work, but it won’t be fun. Road bikes with skinny tires and caliper brakes will not perform well.

Where: Exit 20 of I-87, west on Rt 149 to the parking lot on the corner of Rt 149 (Also called County Rt 23 and Gurney Lane ) and West Mountain Rd. This is a big parking lot. Give yourself 15 minutes to get ready. We’ll group together and ride out at 4:00. Be prepared for a 1 ½ hr ride. Bring your favorite energy drink and food (stroopwafel, raisins, or whatever).

Questions, concerns, and what have you can be requested by calling Pete Weykamp at 518 935-7470.

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Albany Ski Club

P.O. Box 108

Clifton Park, NY  12065

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